The 57 pastors assembled at the Jesus Manifestation Church for inter-denominational pastors Fellowship.

I launched FDM Vision to their pastors fellowship in the month of July 2024,  since then, they have been following through the FDM Courses. Very committed and dedicated to this studies, I have been visiting and training them on same on a monthly basis, taking them through the training for 2 days per every visit.

The pastors are very pleased with the mind transforming teachings they are receiving and they are giving overwhelming testimonies about how they are applying the knowledge they are learning from the FDM Workbooks.

The most positive part of the testimonies is that the teaching is transforming their families, church members and community.

The pastors have covered the teaching on DVS, CFT and a whole series of Marriage as a ministry (V 1-5). Pastors have confirmed that FDM teachings are biblically grounded and they have never come across such transformation .

We give all the glory to our God.

In the month of March 2025, I will be  introducing to them “ Parenting as a ministry series. By mid of April 2025, they are determined to complete the entire course syllabus and hence graduate towards end of April.

Dr. Janet Triza
Ambassador/Disciple for Africa

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