These tools provide a man, woman, married couple or parents with
solid biblically-based workbooks to help teach them to abide in Christ.
Church Discipleship Plan
This outline has been written for the purpose of helping the Christian church get a clear vision for what is, and how to, disciple God’s children with priorities, tools and strategies. Our hope is that you will find this information helpful for implementing discipleship in your church.

Discipleship Workbook
The greatest gift received through salvation is the ability to have a close, dependent relationship with God. Discipleship is God’s design for learning how to become one with Christ and how to live a life that glorifies Him. This devotional workbook is a guide through the discipleship process for those who are being discipled or discipling others.
Marriage Workbook
This series digs into the God-given roles of a husband and wife, explores the blessings God intended for marriage, and provides specific examples of how spouses are to minister to each other. This series will guide newly married couples who may not have had great role models, deepen an already strong marriage, or provide a plan to work through difficult relationship issues and unclear roles.

Parenting Workbook
This series digs into the God-given parental roles to love, nurture, and train children in the way they should go. It will help guide parents who may not have had good examples, and will provide the biblical principles and truths that give clarity to God’s will and purpose for parenting. This series provides a clear game plan to raise children into mature adults.