‘Pastors’ Family Counselling Camp’ in Tamilnadu, India
The ‘Pastors’ Family Counselling Camp’, organized by ministry partners, was held on 30th Aug 2022 at the Heavenly Journey Ministry Church in Tamilnadu, India.
The event went very well and participants were blessed by the teaching of Pastor Craig and Dr King. A translator was available to translate from English to the local Indian language, Tamil. Pastor Craig’s session was on discipleship – being a disciple of Christ is to be a student of the word of God and to walk in obedience according to His ways. One’s spiritual life and wellbeing is transformed by the power of God. Dr King’s session was on marriage as a ministry and the unique companionship needs of a husband and a wife.
89 people attended this event, including pastors from surrounding areas, their wives, many evangelists and several Bible College teachers. It was a good time of learning and fellowship among pastors and other church leaders. All were blessed by sound Biblical teaching and by the workbooks that were provided to them for free. FDM sponsored the printing of these workbooks, the venue, study bibles and travel allowance for the participants.

One of the questions that was asked during the session was on the place of women in church, given that women are weaker vessels and men are more suited to serve God. Dr King explained that the idea that women are inferior to men and therefore unable to serve God fully is incorrect and arises from a misunderstanding of what it is to be the weaker vessel – while men and women have different roles in marriage they are both made in the image of God and are equal in dignity and value. As such women are fully able to serve God and have important roles to play in church including mentoring and discipling other women.
Please join us in thanking God for this successful event. We pray that these pastors capture the vision for discipleship and implement discipleship strategies in their own churches. We especially pray for Rev Samuel who regularly follows up with these pastors to continue to teach and encourage them. Rev Samuel is being used mightily by God to reach pastors with this message and organize many FDM trainings for them.