Mission to Africa
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.
1 Peter 4:10-11
With a heart of humility I want to thank God Almighty for his great favor and Mercies that The LORD Jesus Christ has given to us to share his great Commission through FDM Africa. Our ministry here in Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya is focused on equipping pastors with a vision to make disciples, strengthen marriages, families and provide the tools to implement in their church ministries.
The courses are given to pastors, church leaders and lay Christians.

We aim to reach all Christian denominations, pastors who are with and without formal training to equip them with the materials. We also provide seminars and workshops for parents, church leaders and couples. This year alone we managed to visit more than 9 denominations in Arusha, Tanzania, including Evangelical Assembly of God, Kanisa la Elim Pentecostal Tanzania, Tanzania assembly of God, Efatha Ministries, Evangelic Lutheran Church, Catholic Church, Upendo Tanzania Assemblies of God, Free Pentecostal Church of Tanzania and the Anglican Church. From these churches 103 students have joined FDMI from different countries including Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Lebanon, Congo DRC and UAE. 41 of these students are being trained in person in FDMI onsite classes held at our offices. Our courses are being well received by students who all share FDM’s vision for discipleship.

We hope to reach more regions in Africa. Please pray for God’s guidance and provision in the following areas of our ministry:
- Training special faithful teachers who will be our regional representative in each region and each country. By doing so we will be able to reach pastors who need sound Biblical teaching and discipleship training.
- Office transport car that will facilitate us to reach different regions.
- To provide and distribute Bibles with FDM material as some have no access to the Bible.
With your support we will change the world for Christ by making people followers of Christ. Together we can change lives, marriages, families and nations.
Peace be with you,
Pastor Letema Laizer
Regional Director Africa