Ministry Update from Dr. Jonathan King
Dear Friends,
As you may know from an earlier FDM newsletter, since March I have been working with Pastor Craig in the development and expansion of FDM’s international outreach. What the Lord has been up to through these labors has been nothing short of mind-blowing — Absolutely all glory to God! Through the FDM site on LinkedIn and other connections, numerous pastors from around the world have contacted Craig/FDM to express their interest to receive training in our discipleship workbooks and to see if we might co-labor together to bring the message and training in discipleship to pastors and other church leaders in their home countries. Once we establish a working relationship with these pastors, I arrange a discipleship training schedule with them in which I take them through our training material. It is such an incredible blessing and privilege to connect around the world with these brothers and sisters in Christ through our zoom meetings and through email and WhatsApp. At present, I am working with pastors as well as students who are training to be pastors, and other leaders of various para-church ministries in Tanzania, Kenya, Burundi, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Bangladesh, Pakistan and India. Believe me when I tell you that these discipleship training sessions are being wonderfully received and everyone we are working with internationally has expressed both excitement at the movement of God’s Spirit that is already evident and real expectancy for the work that God will be doing through these partnerships with FDM. In addition, all our FDM workbooks are being translated into many of the native languages of the countries we are working with. Most recently, we’ve added workbooks on the website that have been translated in Swahili and French. And at this very time we have work underway in Bangladesh to translate the workbooks in Bengali and also work underway in India to translate them in Tamil (Tamil is the less dominant language in India but still with tens of millions of Tamil speakers in India). One particularly special praise to the Lord is the recent webinar we hosted on June 25-26 with our partners in Tanzania. This event was a first for FDM and it was reported that about 550 people attended the venue for the webinar in Tanzania both days. Craig and I could see that the people there were really appreciative of the teaching they received. Of course, God alone gives the increase to any work unto the Lord and the feedback from people after the webinar was very positive. By God’s grace the seeds we sowed there will reap a harvest unto the Lord. We never want to presume upon the Lord and say how things will continue, but an expression that Craig likes to say is most fitting here — “Join God where He is going” — and that’s exactly what we are striving to do. Please pray for the Lord to be glorified through these international outreach efforts, and bring a revival of discipleship in these countries.