FDM is here to help pastors and church leaders understand what a disciple
of Christ is, and to equip them to implement The Great Commission in their churches.

Dr. Jonathan King

International Pastoral Training Director

Dr. King received his  PhD in Systematic Theology from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (TEDS). Before joining FDM, he served as a missionary in Indonesia and a Lecturer in Theology at the Faculty of Liberal Arts at the Universitas Pelita Harapan. Passionate about teaching the Bible and theology, and Christian discipleship for the church and family, Dr. King is now the Executive Director of FDM Institute. Dr. King is married to Sharm and they have two young children, Liam and Eleanor.

Sharm King

Director of Communications & Administration

With a previous career in capital markets and investment banking in Singapore and London, Sharm is passionate about growth companies and has advised on corporate strategy, operations management and financial control. Having a heart for cross-cultural missions, she is eager to see the flourishing of churches around the world through sound Biblical teaching and good discipleship practices. She holds an MBA from Bayes Business School (London) and an MDiv from Australian College of Theology. Sharm is a mother to 2 young children, whom she loves nurturing and bringing up in the way of the Lord!

Chelsie De Leon

Administrative Assistant

Chelsie has been passionate about serving the local church for most of her life. After completing a 3-year ministry internship, she was on staff for 3 years at a church plant in Austin, TX. She continued to serve as a lay leader for many years, including discipling many young adults. Pastor Craig mentored her in discipleship counseling and Chelsie was excited about the opportunity to join the team in an administrative capacity in 2023. Chelsie married her sweetheart, John De Leon, in 2022 and she loves to support him in his role as a worship pastor in the local church.

Dr. Letema Saruni Laizer

Regional Director for Africa

Dr. Lazier gave his life to Jesus Christ at a young age. He served as deacon for four years before he was ordained to be a pastor and General Secretary of New Jerusalem International Church in Arusha headquarter, where he served for more than seven years. He attended various bible colleges and universities and was awarded a Bachelor and Master in Theology, a Doctorate in Theology, and finally a Doctorate of Divinity from Immanuel University of Theology Brakpan in South Africa. Dr. Laizer serves in the position of Regional Director of FDM in Africa and as an instructor at FDMI. Dr. Laizer is married and has several children.

Pastor Juan Carlos Martinez

National Spanish Director

Pastor Juan Carlos is the Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Las Americas. Ordained by Calvary Chapel in 2014, for the past decade he has been a marriage group leader and marriage counselor, teaching through FDM resources. Pastor Juan Carlos is passionate about discipling families because he finds there the opportunity to reach more lives transformed for Christ. He is a teacher at FDMI school and conducts Pastor conferences in Latin-speaking countries.  Juan Carlos has been married to Graciela Hevia since 2002. Graciela is in charge of discipling women and assists her husband in all church activities. Their two children, aged 18 and 16 (Ana Cristina and Juan Carlos) are part of the worship ministry.

Pastor Davis Ochieno Juma

Ambasador/Disciple for Kenya

Pastor Juma has been in ministry for over 24 years, planting over 40 churches in East and Central Africa and training numerous disciples in Kenya. He is passionate about evangelism, discipleship, church planting, restoring marriages and families, and caring for the parentless. Pastor Juma has a Diploma of Theology from Kenya Baptist Theological College and is currently pursuing a bachelor of Theology(BTh) with Northwestern Christian University. He and his wife have been married for 18 years and have seven lovely children.

Pastor Jebulan Digal

Ambasador/Disciple for India

Pastor Jebulan Digal is a pastor at Bethesda Church and the principal of Odisha Youth Connect Bible College (OYCBC) in Odisha, India. Born and brought up in a poor Christian family, his prayer from his youth was that God would send him to Bible college and give him the opportunity to serve Him faithfully. Pastor Jebulan has been in full-time ministry since 2017, engaged in youth ministry, evangelism, discipleship training, translating work and church planting. He is the President of Bethesda Charitable Trust, which was founded for the purposes of supporting widows, orphans, the neglected elderly, the poor, as well as for the establishment of Bible colleges and churches with the ultimate goal of winning souls for Christ through various works. Pastor Jebulan has an M.Div. and M.Th. from Ebenezer Theological Seminary, Kerala, India.

Pastor Benjamin Mondal

Pastor/Trainer for Bangladesh

Reverand Ben has been preaching the Gospel in Bangladesh since 1975 and has founded and led several Christian organizations including BFC in 1998 and RPCB in 2015. He joined the FDM family in 2019 to help train pastors in Bangladesh. He continues to faithfully train and disciple pastors and leaders in the church, in person and online at

Pastor Samuel

Ambassador/Disciple for India

Born to a Hindu family, he accepted Jesus Christ as his personal savior at the age of 13. Called to ministry, he felt the burden of millions of unreached people in rural India. He founded Indian Rural Gospel Mission (IRGM), a non-profit organization involved in evangelism, church planting, discipleship training, community service, and equipping pastors and Christian leaders. Since 2023, he has been conducting pastoral training with FDM resources and translating and printing them for distribution to Christian pastors and ministers in the Tamil language. He holds a Master of Social work (MSW), a Master of Theology, and a Doctor of Divinity (hon.) from the International Institute of Church Management. He has been married since 2002 and has 2 children.

Debo Akinwale

Ambassador/Disciple for Nigeria

Debo Timothy Akinwale is a licensed evangelist with Christ Apostolic Church(CAC) in Nigeria & Overseas. He holds a B.A Theology from the College of Theology and Social Sciences in Warsaw, Poland. He is a family and young adult coach who is passionate about practical Christianity. He is married to Moyinoluwa Rachael and blessed with three children.

George Pasapala

Ambassador/Disciple for India

George Pasapala was born and brought up in a Christian family. He was later born again at the age of 20 years old. Called by the Lord for full-time ministry, he did his BA from Osmania University, his master of theology M. Th. from Asian Christian Academy, and his doctorate in ministry from BILD Internationals Ames, Iowa. He has worked in the ministry as a manager, a native missionary, a radio speaker, a promotional state coordinator, a training coordinator, and a church planter. Currently, he is serving as an associate pastor at Trinity Baptist Church and teaching faculty at Bharat Bible College, In all, he has spent 30+ years in the service of the Lord. He is married to Priscilla Rani George and they are blessed with a son and a daughter. They also had a son who went to be with the Lord at 4 years old.

Dr. Janet Triza

Ambassador/Disciple for Africa

Dr. Janet Triza is passionate about empowering pastors and church leaders through training on leadership, discipleship, evangelism, and mission. She is the CEO and founder of Gracia Mentor, Disciple and Counseling Center (GMDCC). Her 17 years in ministry also include serving as church administrator at Christ Is The Answer Ministries (CITAM), and as a global coordinator and networker with the Ramesh Richard Evangelical organization (RREACH).

She has her Doctorate in Divinity from (Empowerment Theological Seminary, USA), a Doctorate award in Humanities (Dominion Christian University, Ghana), a master’s degree in Christian education and counseling (ETS, USA), and a BA in Pastoral and Community Leadership (Presbyterian University of East Africa). She has received many additional diplomas and certificates for specialized courses. She is the mother to 3 sons and a guardian to many sons and daughters.

Dr. Allan Mugoha

Ambassador/Disciple for Africa

Dr. Allan Mugoha accepted Christ as his personal Savior while he was in high school after being very sick to the point of death. He was restored and healed by God’s grace after much prayer. He has been in the ministry for over 20 years and holds certificates, and diplomas from different institutions, like Dynamic Church Planting (DCI), Kenya Ministry Training Institute (KMTI), Manmin Bible College, and Kisii University. He holds a degree in Theology from Northwestern Christian University, a master’s in Counselling Psychology from Northwestern Christian University, and a PhD in leadership administration and management from North Western Christian University. Allan is passionate about soul-winning, evangelism, church planting, and discipleship. He trained with FDM and FDMI in 2022 and joined the FDM team in 2024. He is married and blessed with 4 children, 3 of which serve with him in the ministry.